Ryan Miller is a ‘MOM’ for Liberty

Ryan Miller is a 'MOM' for Liberty.

Stay sharp! Our weekly update is brewing and ready to be dropped tomorrow:
But first, a quick brief on PYLUSD’s Moms for Liberty endorsed SB candidate Ryan Miller.  

Ryan Miller can’t understand what’s wrong with a M4L endorsement.
Let’s inform him, citing work from an upmost expert on the subject, @MassPolProfMo. 


Moms For Liberty is on the Project 2025 advisory board, and has endorsed #P2025’s plan to end federal funding of public education over a ten year period, switching to voucher programs that will slowly be de-funded over that 10 year period.
School for the mid-wealthy only! 3/9

Moms For Liberty isn’t just on the advisory board; they’re a branch of the Heritage Foundation, which is an extension of the Council for National Policy. Comprised of Christian nationalist oil magnates & free-market zealots, the CNP is bent on steering the country’s direction.  

Ryan Miller suggests his Moms For Liberty endorsement is a one-way street, implying no obligation to their agenda. Yet, he’s not disclosing the full narrative. 

Ryan Miller declined to add he is a member of the Moms For Liberty Orange County private Facebook group, which suggests M4L membership. He also supports Project 2025.  

Ryan Miller champions #P2025 and its universal school vouchers, a move that drains public school funds and leads to school closures. What’s the value of “more local control” if there are no public schools left to control?  

Ryan Miller also is endorsed by this guy, Andy Falco-Jimenez, and Ryan was denying it. Jimenez slams the teachers unions, is against teaching accurate Amer. history, & spreads anti-vax disinformation, sounds like a guy that would endorse Ryan. 

Ryan Miller, the Moms For Liberty salesman, plays at originality but pitches nothing new. Watch for the M4L troops this election—they’re just foot soldiers for their CNP overlords.