Weekly Update 8/3/24-The one with all the ultra-conservative radical-right Christian nationalist events.

Weekly Update 8/3/24-The one with all the ultra-conservative radical-right Christian nationalist events.


Back from summer break—our researchers’ hair might be grayer, but our spirit’s fiercer! 🎉

Away 3 wks & SoCal is already awash with ultra-conservative radical-right Christian nationalist events. Let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and fight back! /1

Beware: SoCal’s being swamped with far-right conferences aimed at controlling school boards and training activists. Their goal? Frighten parents into believing public schools are failing. Remember, skipping a Trump rerun doesn’t end the game. Local politics is their long game. /2

The California Local Elected Officials (CLEO) is hosting a “school board policy conference.” Sounds important, right? But let’s peel back the curtain. /3

Surprise! CLEO is not just any organization; it’s a branch of the Cal Policy Center, helmed by Mari Barke—remember her? Yep, the charter school queen with the controversial financial antics during her time at OCBE. /4


Joining the CLEO party is the School Boards for Academic Excellence (SBAE). And guess who’s on the board? Lance Christensen, another recognizable figure from the Cal Policy Center. Seems like a family reunion, doesn’t it? /5

Here’s the scoop: Cal Policy Center is using groups like CLEO and SBAE to strategically push their agenda. They’re not just at the table—they’re setting it, with plans to reshape school boards across SoCal with their radical policies. /6


This isn’t just about conferences; it’s a calculated move in local politics. These “zombies” from the Cal Policy Center are playing a long game to influence education at the astroturf level, like they did in Chino Valley. /7


🚨 Beware: More “parent rights” zombies on the loose! There’s a spooky town hall presented by the ghostly “California Hispanic Alliance.” Try to Google it—spoiler: you can’t find it. /8

CA Hispanic Alliance is a fake non-profit run by CA GOP regional vice chair and Salem media conservative radio host David Hernandez. /9


A David Hernandez event promoting “diversity,” is a laugh given he often aligns more with SoCal’s far-right than with genuine inclusivity. /10



The California Hispanic Alliance, while claiming non-partisanship, is linked to the 180 Shift podcast—hosted by TPUSA Gen Zers known for far-right, culture war rhetoric. This connection raises questions about their commitment to unbiased discourse. /11

Speaker Jen Kennedy, one of the “Wicked Witches” of the Cal policy Center and co-founder o/t anti-trans organization Our Duty, confirms this town hall isn’t about treats, it’s all tricks under the guise of “parent’s rights.” /12



“Parent’s rights” in this context? Code for overbearing control, masking fear of diversity in education and preventing children from broadening their views on the world through others perspectives. It isn’t about empowerment; it’s about imposition.


Sheriff Chad Bianco’s remarks in last week’s debate with Tony Thurmond reveal what the “parent’s rights” crowd is really about: denying that children have rights at all. /14


But it’s not just children’s rights that are under siege…
The White Rose Resistance is bringing a new grift to SoCal, and they are capitalizing on the leave our kids alone movement to morph into a sick diluted radical forced birther mob. /15

Fresh from a 10 day militia style boot camp in D.C., AJ Hurley is ready to bring extremist anti-abortion activism and training to SoCal with the intent to radicalize young adults, training them in harassment and intimidation tactics. /16


Aaron Jonathon (AJ) Hurley, director of activism for White Rose Resistance and former SAH outreach director, was charged with felony stalking of a physician and misdemeanors for vandalism and clinic obstruction. /17

Hurley’s actions escalated when he and others invaded Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, intimidating an abortion provider. They didn’t stop there; they targeted her home, placing ‘killer’ signs in her neighborhood. Now he is creating activism chapters in SoCal.

Militia style abortion activists coming to SoCal should be setting off major alarm bells. Just take a closer look at Hurleys associates (OSA & SAH) and what thier protégé’s accomplished in DC just this June at one of their trainings. /19

Trainings, forums, and conferences lend a veneer of professionalism to extremists in SoCal, allowing grifters to spread disinformation. Stay alert to this threat! Next week, we delve deeper into more events and the figures behind them—spoiler: it gets worse! /20

We are deeply grateful for all the researchers who contributed information to our weekly’s. Follow SCEW to be looped into next weeks update! /21