Bryce Henson is widely known in the Southern California area as a vehemently outspoken anti-LGBTQ activist, taking an active and prominent role in organizing and leading various protests and demonstrations that are aimed towards marginalizing and demonizing the transgender community. He has influence as the head of SoCal Parent Advocates along with being a member of the Dad Army, which has been known to cause a stir amongst various communities with their extremist views. It is apparent that he holds a particular interest in the policies implemented by schools within the region, mainly concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in relation to the LGBTQ+ community. It is increasingly alarming to note that he is regularly sighted and vocal in district meetings where policies regarding these matters are being discussed, using a megaphone and often accompanied by a group of like-minded extremists affiliated with various groups that range from the notorious January 6th insurrectionists, Proud Boys, and LEXIT members.
Henson has a wide variety of Pseudonyms stolen from famous Arnold Swartzeneger movies. His most recognizable pseudonym is Ben Richards which is used to represent Socal Parent Advocates. Alan D Schaefer is another alleged psudonym of his found on Reddit with alarmingly racists and mysogynistic postings which can be seen here, here and here.
Currently, Henson is being investigated for his extremist affiliations which is a violation of his status as a Navy SEAL Chief Special Watfare Operator.