Christian nationalism refers to the belief that Christianity should play a central role in the political and cultural life of a nation. This worldview holds that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and that its laws and institutions should reflect this heritage.
According to a recent survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution, Christian nationalism now has a foothold in American politics, particularly in the Republican Party. Certain Congress members are well known for advertizing their Christian nationalist veiwpoints, such as Madison Cawthorn (North Carolina’s 11th District), Marjorie Taylor Greene Georgia’s 14th District), and Paul Gosar (Arizona’s 14th District), but the shocking truth is  that  documentation  of  Christian nationalist views exists among 138 house members now serving in Congress . 
Researchers found that more than half of Republicans believe the country should be a strictly Christian nation, either adhering to the ideals of Christian nationalism (21%) or sympathizing with those views (33%).
“Shit is gonna get real if you mess with Jesus.”
John Doe
-Paul Gosar
“Back in the Old Testament – look at David, look at Daniel, look at Esther, look at all of these people who influenced the governments of their day to uphold Christian principles,”
John Doe
-Madison Cawthorn
“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists,”
John Doe
-Marjorie Taylor Greene

Christian Nationalism And Local Politics

The rise of  Christian nationalist views among mainstream politicians is concerning, but the role local politicians who hold these views play has an even greater impact. One of the main concerns about the rise of Christian nationalism in local politics is that it can lead to the marginalization of minority groups and the erosion of religious freedom. For example, policies that are based on conservative Christian values may discriminate against individuals who do not share those beliefs or who belong to different religious or cultural groups. In addition, the promotion of Christian nationalism can create a climate of intolerance and hostility towards those who do not conform to a narrow set of religious beliefs. 

 The emerging threat of Christian nationalism in national politics is obvious and easy to follow, but the influence on local politics is insidious and can be hard to monitor. Christian nationalist can easily infiltrate city council, school boards, and county elected positions. There are many evangelical pastors throughout Southern California who are invested in local politics, and the advancment of the Christian nationalist movement. They are often tied to right-wing conservative groups, PAC’s, and non-profit groups, like TPUSA. 
Below is a growing list and in depth biographies of evangelical pastors leading the Christian nationalist movement in their local regions of Southern California.

Christian nationalists are also organizing in so called “grassroots” groups to draw media attention and manipulate a narratve to advance their cause. These elected officials and grassroots groups are often funded by larger organizations, right-wing donors, non-profits, and PACs, who are supported by Christian nationalist. When this happens, it is referred to as “astro-turfing”. 

There are hundreds of these small grassroot groups and PAC’s infiltrating local politics in Southern California, and even our own researchers struggle to keep up with the sheer number. Most of these groups intersect with other far-right extremists, such as white supremacists, millitant groups, anti-federal government activists, conspiracy theorists, and racists. Here at S.C.E.W. , we attempt to make this information easily available and digestable for the general public. S.C.E.W. is amassing a database of offenders in each category, which can be accessed in our Orgs of Interest page, but this page will be dedicated to the Christian nationalists who are attempting to assert a Christian theocracy from the inside out. 

Overall, the rise of Christian nationalism in local politics is a complex and controversial issue that raises important concerns about the relationship between religion and politics in the United States. As the country continues to grapple with these issues, it is essential to identify the individuals and the organizations leading this movement towards theocracy to ensure all Americans are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, culture, race, or other backgrounds.