Narek Palyan is member of the “Leave Our Kids Alone” (LOKA) coalition and a strong stalwart of their protests and rallies. Some have even described him as the group’s mascot. He is most recognized as the man giving Nazi salutes at LOKA marches, so naturally it isn’t surprising that he often glorifies the German and American Nazi parties. Although Palyan has openly denied raising his arm in the easily recognizable “Sieg Hail”, the multiple photos of him performing it combined with his openly antisemitic content is alarming.

Antisemitism and Holocaust denial
There are many examples of Palyan’s antisemitic content, but here are just 4 examples pulled from his private Instagram account @narek_67777.

Along with posting antisemitic conspiracy content on his instagram account, Palyan is also known to promote extremist authors who write antisemitic/ Holocaust denial conspiracies like Micheal E. Jones. In this video obtained by SCEW, Paylan can be heard suggesting his book “The Holocaust Narrative“.
Michael E. Jones is an antisemitic Catholic writer who promotes the view that Jews are dedicated to propagating and perpetrating attacks on the Catholic Church and moral standards, social stability, and political order throughout the world. He portrays the Jewish religion as inherently treacherous and belligerent towards Christianity.
His books and articles argue that violence against Jews are understandable reactions to Jewish beliefs and behavior while painting the Jews as inherently wicked and prone to colluding openly or secretly to threaten other populations around them. These are themes heavily represented in Paylan’s social media posts and rhetoric.
In another video posted on Palyans Instagram, he speaks of the globalist conspiracy that Jewish leaders are part of a cabal creating a New World Order seeking domination in every aspect of humanity including the economy, media, and political landscape. This Instagram live video is briefly interrupted when Palyan stops to give the Nazi salute to a viewer.
Anti-LGBTQ and Homophobia
Palyan’s extremist history extends far beyond antisemitic observations, he is also extremely homophobic and anti-LGBTQ. VPS Reports has written articles here and here showcasing Palyan’s pro-Nazi, antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech which includes slurs like “f–ggot” and “Fuck the LGBTQIA+-gay joo mafia.” and posts suggesting “Jews did 9/11”.
Although LOKA claims to not be against the LGB (the transgender and queer community are their main targets), many of their members have been documented harassing and demeaning the LGBTQ+ community as “groomers” and “pedophiles”, tearing down the veil of righteousness surrounding their aims to protect children from being socially aware of the TQ+ community. In exclusive video obtained by SCEW, Palyan can be seen and heard yelling “BAN SAME-SEX MARRIAGE” and “They want to make our kids gay” at the ‘Stop The War On Children” rally held in Northridge, Ca in October 2023 which featured LOKA speaker Manuk Grigoryan, the mayor of Thousand Oaks/school voucher pusher Kevin McNamee, and AV Parents For Education founder Jessica Enos.
Narek Palyan yelling anti-LGBTQ statements at the “Stop The War On Children” rally in Northridge, Ca in October 2023.

The prevalence of characters like Palyan with radical antisemitic, homophobic,and nationalist tendencies is alarming in the LOKA movement given that they are trying to shape public education policy and culture while forming coalitions with so many arms of the radical religious right-wing political conservative groups in the state of California, like the California Policy Center. Palyan has attended numerous school board meetings, and is even embraced by far-right school board trustees like Sonja Shaw of Chino Valley Unified School District.
The failure elected public leaders and political groups like Sonja Shaw and LOKA to call out blatant and dangerous bigotry among their most staunch supporters is an obvious indication that this kind of behavior and rhetoric is welcomed and supported in their movement.